Health Stories

  Health Stories


Literacy, Low Beginning, and High Beginning

Written specifically for adults to master the idiosyncrasies of the U.S. healthcare system, Health Stories provides engaging stories and multi-skill lessons to ESL learners to have better access to good health care for themselves and their families, understand and deal with common health problems, and develop the language skills needed to communicate effectively with healthcare professionals. The lessons offer a contextualized presentation and practice of basic language skills, combined with critical thinking and communicative activities, with a focus on reading, speaking and vocabulary development, and listening. There is no sequential order of the lessons, allowing for instructional flexibility.

Student Books

Each Student Book offers skill development and presentation of basic health information in the context of an engaging story. Students will feel comfortable scanning the illustrations, which encourage groups and classroom discussions and elicit vocabulary. Dialogues model interaction with a healthcare provider so that learners can practice the language they can use in authentic interactions, including those conducted by phone. The books are filled with realia, discussion questions, activities, and vocabulary exercises to reinforce key terms and concepts. An Answer Key is provided so that students can check their own activities. (Each Student Book is 96 pages)

 Courtesy of New Readers Press

Find Health Stories in the Newton Free Library’s Literacy Collection: LIT 613 G34T

Published by

ELL and Literacy

ELL & Literacy Coordinator Newton Free Library 330 Homer Street Newton, MA 02459

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